Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 10

This Pace Is Picking Up

After waking up this morning and eating breakfast, my first order of business was to attend my scrum which takes place every other day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. During this time I took on even more information concerning DHTs, Kademlia, Persea, and basically Peer to Peer systems as a whole. I knew even more than I had the previous day after this encounter with my TA, Charles, Mahdi, and Piop. During the duration of this meeting, I learned that a DHT, or Distributed Hash Table, was actually a more specific and precise form of a P2P system. Also, I learned that Persea was the program we had been running since Monday. This program simulates nodes in a Distributed Hash Table and gives an output on how successful a malicious node is depending on how strong the ca value is. ca stands for the number of attack edges within the Table and as that number rises, the the packet is less and less likely to reach its target successfully:
Thus, a lower Success-P. I spent about 2 hours with my TAs and partner discussing these terms before they were forced to disperse in order to take up their every day tasks as grad students trying to get a proper education for themselves as I am now. That next hour I, and my partner Rebecca, continued to study and run Persea on our own until around 3:00pm when we attempted to go to a Reading Group that occurs once every Wednesday. Unfortunately, as a result of not being able to find the location of this event, we were forced to give up on it and head home. This is where I continued to study on my own work until Dinner time arrived--which I missed out on due to my falling asleep on the keyboard.
It's very obvious that things are becoming a bit more hectic...This pace is picking up.

28 June 2012, Wednesday

From 12:00pm to 2:00pm, I attended my teams meeting, learning even more about P2P systems.

From 2:00pm to 2:55pm, I continued to study and run my Persea program until reading group time.

From 3:15pm to 5:20pm, I completed my programming and re-wrote my notes on P2P systems.

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